11. prosinec byl Organizací spojených národů vyhlášen mezinárodním dnem hor, jelikož právě hory a pohoří jsou smutným důkazem postupného oteplování planety. Tento významný den může sloužit žákům k zahájení kampaně ve škole pro zvýšení zájmu o životní prostředí a souvisejících problémů, kterým naše společnost dnes a denně čelí.
V rámci projektu se žáci seznámí s mizením ledovců a dozví se, že na naší planetě se děje něco víc. Budou vytvářet svůj vlastní interaktivní plakát na téma globálního oteplování prostřednictvím freewaru Glogster http://www.glogster.com/ nejen kvůli zobrazení problematiky, ale také pro zlepšení vlastních prezentačních dovedností. Převažujícím cílem projektu je však sdílet názory žáků na všudypřítomné téma snižování teploty a postupného tání ledovců a od toho odvíjející se problémy planety a naší populace. Žáci budou vedeni k tomu, aby našli alespoň částečné řešení, jak předejít blížícím se problémům. Dále budou schopni zhodnotit vlastní práci i tvorbu ostatních. Myslíme si, že je velmi důležité přispět k současnému ekologickému problému a přemýšlet tak o hlubších důsledcích lidského chování k přírodě.
Tento projekt klade i nároky na učitele pro práci s informačními technologiemi, jelikož je vyzván k použití Google Earth softwaru, a předpokládá se, že s ním bude umět dobře pracovat.
Níže je představen CLIL plán hodiny na pozadí 4 C´s, který ilustruje, že v projektu se objevují všechny složky CLIL, které v hodině mají být zastoupeny – propojení odborného obsahu s jazykem a jazykovou komunikací, kritickou práci s informacemi a náhledu do kulturních rozdílností. Výuková jednotka je koncipována jako tzv. hard clil (viz www.clil.nuv.cz) spadající do vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a jeho svět. Plán projektu je v angličtině, aby si učitelé odborných předmětů ověřili, že tuto výukovou jednotku jazykově zvládnou. Tak s chutí do toho!
CLIL PROJECT LESSON PLAN based on 4 C´s model, 4 x 45 min.
Content |
Communication |
Language Level |
Language Aims Language Outcomes
Language needed
may, might, will, could, will have to
It’s/It’s not as big/large/thick/long as it used to be Now it’s thicker/smaller/more fragile than…
..is caused by...can lead to.. ..can be avoided by....results from....is a result of.. ..comes from.. ..will turn to.. .can be stopped by...can be prevented by.. |
Scaffolding |
Interaction |
Lower order thinking skills |
Higher order thinking skills |
Culture |
Cultural Implication and comunity
The 11th of December was declared an International Mountain Day by the United Nations. Pupils have to launch a campaign in their school to raise interests of other students in environmental problems we are facing nowadays. Throuhgout the project pupils will encounter the reasons glaciers disappear and that something more is happening to our planet. They are going to create an interactive poster through Glogster http://www.glogster.com/ freeware on the topic of global warming to display the problematics. The overwhelming goal is to present and share pupils´views on the topic and give voice to others. We see it very important to contribute to such a contemporary green issue and to reflect on ´awesome´ consequences of some of human behaviour on nature.
Activity 1. KWL technique, classroom intereraction: T-Ss,10 min.
Teacher displays a satellite image of the Earth (https://img3.stockfresh.com/files/s/sarunyu_foto/m/95/1440272_stock-photo-human-hand-holding-earth.jpg) and at the same time students are asked:
Objective: This activity serves well as a brainstorming to learn what the pupils know so far about the topic.
Activity 2. Analyzing a photograph, inter. S – S, 10 min
Teacher distributes 4 questions below and projects a stunning picture related to glaciers (3. fotka shora: http://www.banderasnews.com/0708/eden-spencertunick.htm).
Pupils work in pairs and produce sentences describing picture while answering questions. Teacher then elicits ideas.
Objective: To introduce the problems of global warming and to practise present progressive for describing a picture.
Activity 3. Video showing the change, inter. S-S, 20 min.
a) Pupils watch a video about Melting glaciers: a photographic journey through time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uOVrenQCxg)
b) Speaking - comparing images in pairs using a language frame
Pupils use these verbs expressing change (form, disappear, change) and the language below to speak about video.
Now, it’s |
thinner smaller more fragile |
than… |
Now, it’s |
thinner |
than… |
smaller |
more fragile |
c) Writing – Note down 3 sentences using comparisons.
Activity 3 d) – Why do you think glaciers are melting? /Optional activity, for a strong class, or individuals/
A) Pre-watching: Teacher writes these words on the board for pupils to familiarize with it:
Faucet Abandon Shortage Flooding Sufficient
Dry spell Barrel Ski-slope Fetch Glacier
B) Which consequences of climate change are heard in the video? Tick those you hear below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf_IRRhd98s
Listen to it twice at least.
Consequences of melting glaciers mentioned:
C) What are its possible solutions?
These hints below people can do to tackle water supply shortages. Discuss how are these possible to ensure all the people have access to drinking water:
Objective: Pupils learn facts, use the language of comparing and are introduced to a problem of climate change, some of the consequences and possible solutions.
Activity 4 Instructions to create Glogster, inter. T-Ss, 15 min.
a) Teacher gives to the students the task below, demonstrates how to use the Glogster software and explains what should the poster contain made by the software. It is good to motivate pupils by showing some images of a ready-made glogsters to see what the outcome can look like. All in the class set up a Glogster account.
Global Warming and Climate Change is a reality today. Would you be able to answer the following questions right now?
1. What is global warming? (Definition of the phenomenon) 2. Why is global warming taking place? (Causes) 3. How are the Earth and human beings affected by global warming? (Consequences) 4. Could you recall three human activities that contribute to global warming? 5. Does global warming have any solutions? |
Some of the best evidence of global warming comes from mountain areas. The United Nations General Assembly declared 11 December as an International Mountain Day. Every year it is focused on a different topic related to the problems faced by people living in mountain ranges and close regions.
The topic for the next International Mountain Day is “Facing Change: Global warming in Mountain Areas”. Your school has been selected by the U.N. in order to raise the awareness of young people about this challenging environmental problem.
b) THE TASK (instructions to task-based learning)
First, we will research about Global warming in order to be able to answer these and many other questions related to this topic and then we’ll use all the information gathered to make a project, which will result in launching a campaign at your school.
The main element of the campaign will be a poster design using a Glogster software (http://www.glogster.com). You should try to give each other as much information as possible about the topic of Global Warming, its causes, consequences and solutions. The poster will be done as a pair-work. There are some criteria for its creation. It should contain
a) at least one video
b) a piece of music
c) three images
d) two shorter texts
e) your own recorded voice.
Images and task design must include some of your personal “contributions” to the problem (and solutions as well). The final product will show how your life could be affected by global warming. When you finish the project you will present it to the class.
Objective: Pupils know what the final outcome will be and get ready to collect information from different media (video, recordings, pictures...).
Activity 5. F eedback, inter. T-Ss, 10 min.
Pupils evaluate the lesson and their participation answering questions below:
Objective: Pupils share their ideas about the lesson and are activated to peer and self-evaluation when performing the tasks.
Activity 1. Working with cartoons (visuals), inter. T-Ss, 10 min.
Teacher downloads cartoons that illustrates the climate change hitting the topic – the result of climate changes – in a funny way. He is asking what these cartoons have in common – teacher may use cartoon images from www. CartoonStock.com such as birds saying "more bloody immigrants", a woman skier in a "refrigerated skiing tunnel" that is also filled by 100 snowmen, drowning image of the Statue of Liberty, a man on a desert staying at the "Wishing well" from which a cactus grows, a man sitting on a hood of his car that is half under water, reading the news with "Flooding linked to petrol use" headline, etc.
Teacher asks: Does global warming affect your everyday life?
Objective: To raise motivation focusing on pupils with visual learning style. It also illustrates the consequences of climate changes in real future – that the problem can become real.
Activity 2. Question loop, inter. T-Ss, 10 min.
Pupils are given first halves of sentences and they do class mingle to find a partner with the corresponding sentence ending.
Objective: Pupils predict possible consequences of global warming and practice listening for specific information.
Activity 3. Google Earth, inter. Ss, 30 min.
Teacher has to download the software from www.google.earth.com to his PC. It takes some time to handle this free-ware (explores the planet Earth in 3D) to explore what this technology entails. There are on-line tutorials on the web showing how to use the software.
Pupils sit in a computer room.
Teacher shows them how the software works.
Teacher distributes Google Earth Worksheet. Pupils work with the sofware in teams and explore the effects of global warming on such topics as Tropical cyclones, Temperatures, Drought, Sea level, Crops, Marine, Forest fires, Water availability and Permafrost. Pupils then work in groups of three. Each team will do research about one topic.
The first part of activity is done when each group finds out all the info for their topic. As homework, the group should investigate about one more topic to be ready for the next session.
Objective: Pupils use the software to find out and analyze information about consequences of global warming. Home preparation as well as class work also prepares pupils to excell in the next Treasure Hunt activity.
Activity 4. Feedback, inter. T-Ss, 5 min.
Pupils evaluate the lesson and their participation answering questions below:
Objective: Pupils share their ideas about the lesson and are activated to peer and self-evaluation when performing the tasks.
Activity 1 Treasure Hunt, inter. Ss-Ss, Ss-T, 30 min.
Teacher asks pupils about the previous session and writes Treasure Hunt on the board. He asks what is the game going to be about.
How to play the game: Pupils form teams of three pupils again. Teacher again distributes each team questions about nine areas that affects global warming. The team delegates two deputies in order to find the lacking information about the remaining topics - they lack information about 8 topics. The third team member remains seated to give the information to deputies from other teams and the hunt begins. Pupils are not allowed to note down any information, they transfer information by heart. The more they forget the more times they go hunting.
The second part of activity ends when deputies collect info about other topics. Meanwhile teacher monitors, notes down mistakes and finally checks if each team collected all the information as feedback.
Note: With competitive class we recommend to go through answers in the form of competition.
Tip: Teacher can use this video as a background music when working in pairs or groups: Flying Up a Glacier by Helicopter in Time Lapsehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BEvciB9xgY&feature=rec-LGOUT-farside_rev-rn-2r-1-HM
Objective: Pupils practice making questions and listening for specific information.
Activity 2 Launching campaign to stop global warming, inter. Ss-Ss, 1 session
Pupils work in pairs on preparation of their Glogster.
Activity 1 Each pair present their Glogster posters to the class. They are invited to use the following expressions:
Talking about cause Talking about consequence Talking about solution ..is caused by.. ..can lead to.. ..can be avoided by.. ..results from.. ..is a result of.. ..can be prevented by.. ..comes from.. ..will turn to.. ..can be stopped by.. |
Activity 2: The posters will be assessed through peer evaluation using this template:
Feedback and final evaluation of the project.
Objective: Pupils improve their presentation skills using appropriate language and are encouraged to use assessment and evaluation techniques.
Advice: As a follow-up we recommend an E-twinning activity – schools. Pupils can find a partner to share a project with and compare their Glogster posters to see differences in global warming affecting different countries.
Final notes: The design of this CLIL unit was realised by a CLIL project team, whose members were:
Victoria Carceller Biology teacher in Spain (victoracarceller@yahoo.com)
Marcel Mateu Geology teacher in Spain (mmateu24@xtec.cat)
Tereza Smidova Foreign Languages Curriculum Advisor in the CR (tersmidova@gmail.com)
as a follow-up initiative to a Teacher Training Comenius Course on 19 July – 30 July in 2010 at the University of Limerick Language Centre, Limerick (Ireland).
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